
Hicks Oakley Chessell Williams continuing to support Owners Corporations during COVID-19

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Hicks Oakley Chessell Williams continuing to support Owners Corporations during COVID-19

The recent COVID-19 outbreak has brought about changes to the operations of the various courts and tribunals and the law firms that work with them. Noting the current situation and in an effort to implement social distancing, Hicks Oakley Chessell Williams has been working hard to implement technology to not only facilitate meetings with our clients remotely, but to conduct hearings in courts and tribunals remotely, by either telephone or video conference, where available. 

On 17 March 2020 the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) was forced to close its venues to the public. As a result of VCAT's response to COVID-19, all non-critical cases listed up to and including 17 April 2020 were adjourned for the time being and alternative arrangements were being considered by the Tribunal.

As a frequent user of the owners corporation fee recovery list, HOCW was contacted by the Tribunal to participate in a trial of fee recovery hearings held remotely. In order to operate during these circumstances and to make hearings more straight forward, VCAT has proposed to proceed with the introduction of a summary of proofs document. Further information regarding this document will be provided to our Owners Corporation clients and managers with whom we work.

Rest assured, in the interest of our clients, we will endeavour to work with the Tribunal to expedite all our Owners Corporation fee recovery matters. HOCW will continue to support and assist Owners Corporations during this stressful time.

For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Matthew Hicks, Director and Principal Lawyer.