Our costs can usually be estimated after we see the documents and obtain information set out above. Typical costs range from $110.00 to witness a single document (where a Notarial Certificate is not required) to upwards of $500.00 for more complex matters.
Normally if we have documents in advance only one appointment is necessary. We usually prepare any necessary certificates before your appointment. This is more efficient for you, much faster and less expensive. Appointments out of the office will involve an additional charge.
Some documents, once Notarised, require further stamping at DFAT and some documents also require stamping at a Consulate.
Details of the fees charged by DFAT are available from their website, www.dfat.gov.au. Please note the location of the Melbourne office and the usual office hours.
General telephone and email enquiries are now handled by the Australian Passports Information Service (APIS). The "document legalisation request form" is available from the Smart Traveller website at Notarial services in Australia | Smartraveller
Documents can be submitted to DFAT by mail or in person. To attend DFAT in person, an appointment must first be made.
Office hours in Melbourne are currently 8.30am to 1.00pm.
A link to the Smart Traveller website is provided here: www.smarttraveller.gov.au
Fees vary for each country. Telephone enquiries will usually be answered without delay by the respective embassies and consular offices.
In some circumstances interpretation may be required. Similarly, an official translation of written documents may be needed. Please advise us if any document is in a language other than English and if the person signing is not literate in English and the language of the document.
We have facilities for black and white and colour copying to A4. In some circumstances larger documents can be reduced in size to A4. The reduction in size will be noted on any certificate attached to a copy.
Naturally you must produce the original document for examination by us even if you have arranged your own copying.
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